Peace Pledge for an Individual
WEBSITES – excellent source for anything on nonviolence. – find where the cities of peace are.
learn how your city can become a city of peace. – learn about the Peace Pole Project
get involved in planting peace poles in your
community. – learn about authors of Cory and the Seventh Story and other activities they are involved in.
Positive Peace Warrior Network
Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies
10 Ways to Bring Peace to the World
64 Ways to Practice Nonviolence
Westerly/Pawcatuck International City of Peace –
Third Harmony: Nonviolence and The New Story of Human Nature.
Author: Michael Nagler
Notes: Easy read- Some excellent resources listed.
Cory and the Seventh Story
Authors: Brian D McLaren and Gareth Higgins
Notes: Excellent children’s book- Good read for adults also.
A New Republic of the Heart
Author: Terry Patten
Notes: Very good read- Excellent list of resources.
The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates Of Peace
Editor: Howard Zinn
Notes: Anthology of alternatives to war. Impressive list of authors.
Healing Resistance: A Radically Different Response to Harm
Author: Kazu Haga
Notes: An accessible, thorough, and deeply personal introduction to nonviolence as a power for personal and social transformation.
The Nonviolent Life
Author: John Dear
Notes: A clear vision of the power, meaning and impact of the spiritually grounded nonviolent life.
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
Authors: Erica Chenoweth Maria J. Stephan
Notes: Clearly and powerfully shows that nonviolence works.
Cultivation Peace: Becoming a 21st Century Peace Ambassador
Author: James O’Dea
Notes: Brilliant manifesto- weaves science, spiritually and social healing into a peace roadmap for all of us.
The Search for a Nonviolent Future
Author: Michael N. Nagler
Notes: Excellent read. Shows that nonviolence is an effective solution and an urgently needed response to political, social and moral turmoil.